You may have high quality and expensive notebook computer. Do you use your notebook computer to boost up your productivity? There are ten ways about how to use your computer as productive tools.
1. Use 10 fingers when typing.
Learn how to type quickly without seeing the keyboards. Or even better, use Dvorak typing system which is a more efficient system of typing.
2. Use productive softwares to schedule your priorities.
Use productive software to boost up your productivity. Understand how to create a project, mark the deadline, delegate tasks, and create a winning team. Many useful software are available in the market.
3. Read Quality E-Books
You can use your computer as tool of productivity. Why don't you use it as your library which you can bring it everywhere you are.
4. Listen to Inspiring Music
You can listen to almost all kinds of music freely from the internet. There are hundreds of online music radio channel that you can listen to.
5. E-Banking
Why don't you use your computer to manage your account. Most modern bank integrate e-banking system to receive and send payment.
6. Buy and Sell
You can use your computer to buy and sell something online. You can make some decent income by using E-bay to sell something online.
7. Blogging
Instead of writing in paper, it's a great idea to begin blogging. Wordpress and Blogger are two best sites for blogging.
8. Social Network
You can keep in touch with your family, friends and co-workers to via Facebook, or you can promote your products to the potential customers via Twitter.
9. E-Journal
Online newspaper and magazines are available in abundance in the internet. Use it to get the latest news without heaping up piles of paper. This is a smart way to cut the use of paper, therefore creating greener environment. Less paper will means less trees are being cut down.
10. Online Meeting
You can have effective online meeting with your coworkers without leaving your workplace through Yahoo Messengers for example.
Copyright: Martin W. All Rights Reserved.
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