August 2, 2010

About Computer

A computer is a PC or a computer which can do automatic calculations. Another older words workstation, a computer, which solves one or more specialized tasks. Today it has become obsolete, but still used on freestanding powerful computers, for example. used for versatility calculations.

The idea of program controlled calculators has roots back to the industrial breakthrough in England around 1800. The clear example. by Jacquard mønstervæv and Charles Babbage development. Punch card machines were also programmable. Hollerith / IBM's machines were programmed with switching boards, while Powers took connection box.

In the late 1920s came the first computer science. They played no great quantitative role but was important for the continued technical development. There was no analytical statistics and compilation of astronomical tables. Then came a host of other tasks. These demands for machines with growing programs. Connectionbox'enes rigidity made them unsuitable for this purpose and all scientific calculations were performed on clutch Plate programmed machines.

ENIAC, America's first computer.

The first computers were built in Germany, England and the United States between 1940 and 1950 (eg. Z3, ENIAC, Colossus), but their history goes back to the calculator projects in 1930 were developed in various research settings. During the Second World War was a series calculator projects in England, Russia and the United States considered important war and therefore state-funded. After the war, continued public funding of scientific research and development, and initiation of the cold war put additional focus on the development of computers for military purposes, for example. SAGE to monitor U.S. airspace, a development which was reinforced after the outbreak of the Korean War.

Parallel to the military research began from the early 1950s in Germany, England and particularly the U.S. development of computers on a commercial basis, both for sale to research (Z4, UNIVAC I, IBM 701, Ferranti Mark I) and for use in private companies (IBM 650, IBM 704). Towards the late 1950s launched a wide range of business computers, and the industry gradually came to dominate the development of the machines, while research is focused on applications and software.

During this period batch driving the all-dominant way to use computers and the widespread view was that it was most effective with few, very large computers used for running programs one by one. Interactive use of computers were found only in a few specialized military applications and in a few research settings (eg. Lincoln Lab, where the TX-0 and TX-2 was developed for interactive use).

About Computer

A computer is a machine that processes data, information that it receives from users or programs. If you go down and look at the CPU, it consists only of 0 - and 1-metals (Bits). It basically consists of: input device, the Danish one input device or different input device, a processing unit, the processor (CPU) with memory (RAM) to store data temporarily during the processing of them, a hard disk for storing the operating system, applications and data f . as documents after the computer is off, and a device for displaying results (for example. be a screen or a printer).

Computers can be divided into two main areas:

Personal computers (usually only a single display cabinet containing the CPU - processing unit, memory, hard disk, and input (receive info from the outside) and output (send info to, for example. Screen, printer, hard drive, burn CD, etc.).

Large computer systems (for handling large amounts of data in companies / organizations). This also includes server and mainframe).

Large computer systems

The large computer systems has great memory and rapid calculation units processors. Here processed information that would take a long time on a personal computer.

Another important difference is that the servers and especially mainframes are designed to be accessible at all times. This means among other things, hardware and software can be upgraded while the system is running. There will also often be redundant components such as the power system installed in the machine.

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